Media Release

Siphesihle November to Guest with Cape Ballet Africa

March 6, 2025... Hope Muir, Joan and Jerry Lozinski Artistic Director of The National Ballet of Canada, shared today that Principal Dancer Siphesihle November will appear as a guest artist with Cape Ballet Africa in Nacho Duato’s Remanso, March 25 – 27 at the Artscape Opera House in Cape Town, South Africa.  

“I am thrilled for Siphe to have this opportunity to return home to South Africa and perform in this glorious piece by Nacho Duato with Cape Ballet Africa. This unique engagement allows Siphe to expand his artistry and explore new creative avenues and he has my full support,” said Muir. 

Born in Zolani, South Africa, November trained at Canada’s National Ballet School and joined The National Ballet of Canada as a member of the Corps de Ballet in 2017. He has been a Principal Dancer since 2021.   

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2024/25 Season Sponsor: BMO Financial Group 

Siphesihle November is sponsored through Dancers First by Jerry Lozinski, O.C. & Joan Lozinski, O.C. 

The National Ballet of Canada gratefully acknowledges the ongoing support of the Canada Council for the Arts; the Ontario Arts Council; the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council; the Government of Canada – Department of Canadian Heritage with the Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Canadian Heritage; and the Government of Ontario with the Honourable Stan Cho, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming and Minister of Sport.

Siphesihle November. Photo by Karolina Kuras.

For more information, please contact:

Touchwood PR  
Andréa Grau, Founder and Owner
Keira Hunt, Senior Manager of Publicity and Promotions
Chelsea Cabello, Senior Publicist  

The National Ballet of Canada
Catherine Chang, Associate Director of Communications & Content Strategy
Kate Dresser, Communications Manager